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Re: RC: convention speakers
Don't know if you are the correct person to address this to, but since you
posted on RC, I'll reply and you can feel free to redirect me if needed.
I absolutely appreciate all the very hard work that goes into putting on the
convention. I've had a wonderful time there twice. The organization and
all was super, and given that it is done by volunteers, a major thank you is
in order (in fact, I posted something similar after the 2000 convention).
But on this current topic, I would like to put my vote in favor of earlier
publication of an agenda, if at all possible. Especially if there are lots
of speaker available, rather than a last minute scramble to find folks. I
think this is important for a couple of reasons. When trying to make a
decision about attending, it would have helped me to know what was on the
agenda. Specific speakers or topics would have caused me to be more
determined to get there. I think this is common, and judging from the
questions on RC (which started a couple of months ago) lots of folks were
trying to decide whether to go, and wondering about the line up of
speakers/topics. Also, for those who can only attend one day, it would be
nice to know a general sequence of events.
In future years, would it be reasonable to set a goal of earlier
determination of speakers/topics, and a tentative schedule?
pat farmer
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