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Re: ride dogs

> There are wonderful Rotweillers and terrible Labs, so I think you
> need to be
> careful before bashing a breed.

How true this statement is... My horse was attacked by a small Golden
Retriever on the trail.  Never in a million years did I ever think
that dog would be a problem when we went past.  It broke free from
two adults and literally attached itself to my horses back leg.  My
riding partner had to gallop at us (fiercely) from behind to break it

As usual it is human interference and muddling to blame (in either
breeding or management).

I have 2 Golden Retrievers that go with us on all of our training rides.  They are extremely well behaved and stay with us at all times...and if Kali (the 3 yo) spies something interesting to run after, she will turn and come immediately when she's called (we've spent a lot of time on their training.)  Kali runs in the "scout" position looking out for trails ahead for us and Katie runs "drag", guarding us from monster attacks from the rear. 

They both stay in the back of the truck while we tack up and are then released when we're ready to go.  I don't want them running around the parking area visiting other rigs (they're extremely friendly <g>) and they don't mind the wait.  They're pretty accustomed to it and they have their pillows to lay on and food to eat while they wait.  We did forget to let them out of the truck once and rode out for quite a while before we realized we didn't have the dogs with us.  Had to go back, get them, and then head out for a while longer.  We figured, if we didn't, their energetic enthusiasm would tell on us when we got home...we'd have a tough time convincing anybody that they'd run 15-20 miles and still looked so peppy...and *clean*! ;-) 

We love the Goldens as trail dogs...they don't try to herd other animals or bark at anything...and they're darn pretty to watch head on down the trail.  At least until they find the first mud hole!

Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.

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