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RE: RC: Arab's back
If you are an excellent, balanced rider, and she has a good layer of fat, it
shouldn't hurt her. If you are a less able rider, it might. I rode bareback
for about a year, using a western pad (very thick felt also very grippy both
to my seat and the horse's back) held on with a cinch and long nylon latigo.
I never thought the ready made bareback pads were thick enough to cushion her
from my (at the time) bony butt. I never had any real problems; the reason I
rode bareback was because I didn't have a saddle that fit. I learned to put
one seat bone on each side of her spine, and actually learned to ride more
balanced laterally as a result. I never rode too fast, mostly walk and trot,
with a little gallop for short distances. She seemedto likebareback better
than a saddle that didn't fit. And I didn't have to cinch it up very tight,
which she also liked. People were forever sticking their hand between her
belly and the girth. Never fell off as a result of riding bareback, but I
definitely recommend a helmet, and lots of practice in an enclosed space
before you go for a trail ride. jeri
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