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Well Howard, sence I know you have now caused a horse "crap" fight, I must 
say.  Men with that mind set are the reason why there are still smart Single 
woman out there.  If you think a woman needs a men.. You are so mistaken.

I am 100% with Nina here.  I too change my own oil, along with rotating my 
own tires.  I have replaced brakes, clutches an alternator and a radiator.  
And more woman then less understand the Righty Tighty Lefty Loosey rule. 

And by golly if I am doing the cooking on the grill and I over or under cook 
your steak, all I can say is eat it and shut up or leave the table and go get 
your own food.

And you would also be surprised at how many woman really do now how to drive. 
 But I wont hold it against you sometime when you need to be HOOKED onto by a 
Woman truck driver and pulled to the other side.

I am sure with that BS come back of yours you'll get more scolding than I 
have time for.

In honor of all us HANDY WOMEN

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