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Re: Re: seminar topics

Oh, Susan, I truly hope you are not speaking at the same time of the General
Membership Meeting. I really want to hear your talk (I loved it both times
you've spoken at the Central Region Convention). You make learning such a
fun time! :-)

Does anyone know when the General Membership Meeting will be held? (Truly
not wanting to open this can of worms again, since I will go to the Meeting
rather than listen to a Speaker, no matter who is doing the talk... But I
DON'T want to miss Susan G's talk.)

Linda Parrish
Kennard, TX

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Garlinghouse

>Don't know what the other speakers topics are, but mine is 'Debunking
>Feeding Myths'.  Talking about all those traditions and urban legends about
>dissolving enteroliths with vinegar, whether psyllium works to move sand,
>stuff about different vitamins and minerals, differences between types of
>fat, differences between types of salt, supplements, etc.  Lots of little
>bits and pieces that someone hears someone else's brother's shoer say at
>ride camp and is thereafter proclaimed as gospel truth, and whether or not
>those things are really true when the wash comes out.
>I'll be talking on Saturday, I think in the early afternoon.
>Susan G

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