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Lynn Turck morningstar@hitter.net
I just started to take both dogs with me on training rides...what fun for us! One is a shepard/lab mix that arrived in our driveway 3yrs ago [he also has run with me] and a golden retriever/? who is excellent at staying close to me. I'm in Fl and do carry water for the dogs and also route myself to known watering spots. My husband is also much happier when I take them, as one is 71lbs and the other is 50lbs. both have had alot of exposure to the horses and alot of exercise on the ranch. We started with 7 mile easy rides and we are up to 15+ mile rides.
PS on my digging question, thank you for all responses, he does have a mineral block, he's had a jolly ball which was quickly trashed, he's played with towels and does tug-of-war with the dogs....I'm really thinking more work, less leisure for my very cute monster.
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