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Inbreeding / linebreeding...neuroticism

Caveat  : this is just a passing thought.  I am no expert in this area and am merely making conversation.  If it is silly, just ignore me.
Whilst I agree that, to some extent, neuroticism / dilliness can be an hereditary trait, my personal view is that, more often than not, it is caused by poor handling / training / stable management.  When you consider that the people who are responsible for this might also like the physical attributes of that particular line, and will breed / linebreed it, and produce babies who are as poorly managed, it is easy to see how a line can inherit a reputation for being "neurotic", unjustifiably.
I have seen this amongst TBs, where a trainer will buy a yearling based on bloodlines, but handle the horse poorly, perhaps over-race it (because of its talent for racing) and sell it on afterwards to an unsuspecting public.  You then suddenly have five or six people saying "oh, don't buy a baby by so-and-so, they have bad legs / are dilly". 
As I said, I'm no expert, but I've noticed that linebreeding with Warmbloods is producing some outstanding sports horses, with marvellous temperaments and sound bodies.  Of course, unlike most Arabs and TBs, they aren't raced....and whilst I wouldn't knock all racehorse trainers, I can't help wondering whether the stress placed on these animals when young hasn't contributed, to a large degree, to their "neuroticism".
Humbly yours,

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