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Cost of living (was re: Old Mac Boots)

  The Washington D.C. metro area is comparable to your area of 
Mass.  I pasture-board at a place that has no run-in shed or 
shelter (they just have to get in under the trees) and only 
feed hay twice a day, for $150/month, becaase to keep him in an 
actual stable would cost $450 - $750/month unless I wanted to 
drive an hour each way to ride.  I am planning on bringing him 
home as soon as I can get some fencing and a shed up, but that 
too is expensive.  I had a little over 100 ft of split-rail 
fence put up: it cost $850!  An that is a fraction of what I 
need to have done.  So it has to wait until I can do it 
myself.  The one quote I have ad for shoeing was $100 for four 
feet, nothing fancy (no borium, correction etc), so I am 
sticking with bare feet + Easy Boots for now (just wish I could 
figure out how to keep the ^&$!*%# things on in the mud!)

  So why am I here?  It's where the jobs are!

Amanda - Praying for retirement!  I sick of the expense!
Cy -  Praying for the rain to stop!  I sick of being soggy!

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