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Re: RC: Re:enteroliths (was Feeding/hay suggestions)
In a message dated Wed, 14 Feb 2001 4:59:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Michelle Fink" <michrowe@redwrench.com> writes:
<< Is there some other factor in enterolith formation? I asked my vet about it
and he said he has not seen any in our area (he's been a vet for 20+ years).
Most people in the area feed straight alfalfa to their horses.>>
Yes. There seems to be a specific trace mineral problem in southern CA (something to do with magnesium, if memory serves) that makes it a particular problem in that area--and there also seems to be a genetic predisposition to it as well, as there is a much higher incidence of it among Arabians, and among specific lines of Arabians as well.
We likewise feed straight alfalfa a fair amount of the time here in central Idaho, and did as well in central Oregon, and in 19 years as a vet, I likewise have never seen a case in practice or in my own horses.
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