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Re: supplementing biotin
> Does any one know what the optimum amt biotin and
> methionine recomemded? I have looked through archives
The body can't utilize or store more than about 15-20 mg per day, so it's a
waste feeding more than that daily.
> and can't seem to find. Also I have noticed some
> products have added lysine as well, others don't. Is
> lysine important for quality hoof growth?
Only if lacking, which very few rations are. Not worth paying extra for,
and certainly not if you're feeding a halfway decent ration.
> Basically I'm looking for the least expensive way
> to get/maintain good quality hoof growth. I have had
> my filly on Farriers Friend (on the advice of both my
Try pricing out Paragon Biotin Plus, best concentration of biotin per ounce
I've seen, not alot of other fluff. It does also have yucca, so stop
feeding about three days before a ride, just in case.
Don't feed more than 20-25 mg per day, no additional benefit.
> barn manager and farrier) for the past 7 months and I
> haven't noticed much of a change in hoof quality. Got
> me to comparing hoof supplements and was surprised to
> see how little biotin it actually had per serving but
> the methionine is the highest of any on the market!
If you're feeding grain, don't worry about methionine. And be patient about
seeing results after you start at 25 mg/day or so---the research indicated
that they were still seeing addiitonal increases in horn tensile strength
for up to three years later.
Susan G
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