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Heritage Endurance Ride
Had an interesting day today with the Forestry Dept. & with the Chamber of
Commerce (who is sponsoring the ride). Having read other ride
managers' reports on nightmares working with the Forestry Dept. I have
been waiting for the other shoe to fall - but so far the only thing that is
falling is the Forestry Dept. people falling over each other trying to help me!
I got permission for overflow camping on Forestry land - no problem. I
talked to them about weed-free hay - no problem (the info will be on the
web site when we get closer to the date
http://www.fasterhorses.com/race.html ). I talked about manure handling -
no problem (just kick the piles to break them up). AND the ranger I talked
to (happens to be head of that office) suggested some trail changes that
would involve using *non-trail* access - in essence making new trails - no
problem! He even suggested trails for a hundred miler in the future - I
LOVE our rangers!
We will be having some physical therapists at the ride (I'm working on free
massages for riders), we're having a person come to talk about herbs for
horses, I hope to have other speakers & demos (anyone wanting to come to do
that please contact me!) we'll have music, lots of food and
entertainment! I am going to limit the entries for both distances to 50
this first year, but next year it'll be open to however many want to come play!
In March when the snow is off the high trails, I'll be hiking with the
surveyor's wheel to do the final measurements, and then all is set to
receive sanctioning from AERC and the use permit from the Forestry
Dept. This is so exciting!
Lif Strand
Quemado NM USA
Lif & Paul Strand STRAND ENTERPRISES www.fasterhorses.com
Web Page Design * Computer Graphics * Internet Research * Fine Art
Blue-Green Algae & other complementary health options
HERITAGE ENDURANCE RACE June 9, 2001 - http://www.fasterhorses.com/race.html
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