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Re: Glucosamine & Condroitin

Title: Re: Glucosamine & Condroitin
Lif wrote:
If you put a horse on CS / GAGS supplementation early on, you'll never know
if they really needed them or not.  If they *did* need them and this horse
is used for breeding, then from a breeder's point of view this is the first
step toward creating a situation where CS / GAGS supplementation could
become a *necessary* preventative.  In other words, there's a risk here of
creating the problem we're trying to avoid.

Allright.   Finally, a reason for not using CS/ GAGS supplements that I can understand.

Improvement of the breed is certainly a noble cause.

But for those of us with one horse, and out of the gene pool to boot, I'd still like to use the CS/ GAGS and get on with my life.

Breeding horses is a game much too expensive for me.  The idea of being able to breed for horses that are iron sound all the time is a wonderful, magnificent idea.

And maybe someday I might win the lottery and be able to afford one and support this ideal view.

As it is, I'm in the ex-race horse price range and looking for everything I can to get along with a horse that didn't have all the advantages from before it's very conception.

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