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Fw: Horse TV more

: To everyone who has written to HorseTV thanking us for the equestrian
: programming:
: We have been informed that Charlie Ergin, Chairman of EchoStar (parent
: company of DISH) will be live on DISH Monday night on channels 101 and 989,
: reading emails and answering questions via phone, "live," from DISH Network
: Subscribers, in a special "Charlie Chat."
: He is going to be on live, answering questions and listening to suggestions
: from DISH subscribers on Monday night, February 12th - 9 pm Eastern
: Standard Time.
: This is a wonderful, unique opportunity to call and express your
: appreciation for the new RFD-TV channel -- and if you're a new subscriber,
: how RFD-TV's presence influenced your selection of satellite systems! 
: You can email him NOW (he'll read and respond to emails sent BEFORE the
: broadcast ) by going to the Dish Network website and following these
: instructions:
: 1. Go to DISH       <a
: href="">DISH Network</a>
: 2. Click on Quick Links on the home page
: 3. Scroll down to About Us
: 4. Highlight and click on "Charlie Chat"
: 5. A short form and a place for the message will be displayed.
: You can CALL, too -- the phone number will be displayed at the beginning of
: the broadcast!  
: Don't forget! Monday, February 12th - 9 pm Eastern, 8 pm Central, 7 pm
: Mountain and 6 pm Pacific! Broadcast time -- One hour!
: Thanks.

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