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Re: Standardbreds

One person with personal experience using their Standardbred mare
for endurance commented on her general stiffness and lack of
agility, particularly going downhill.

I board my Morgan in a Standardbred race training barn.  One of
the most common unsoundnesses among these race horses is a
bad back.  I don't know what it is about the way these horses
are asked to go that causes the problem, but many of them
are excruciatingly tender in the lumbar region.  All you
have to do is touch them there (the back between the end
of the rib cage and the beginning of the hip) and they wince
and sink down.  One mare was so bad you could get her to collapse
in the ties right down to the ground just by resting your hand
on her.

I would suspect many retired Standardbreds continue to experience
back pain from their racing days.

To the plus side, these are generally wonderfully mellow, sweet-souled
horses, many of whom give me the impression of a real sense of humor.
They aren't as intense as the Morgans.  And *some* of them even
have pretty heads!

Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA

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