Re: RC: stirrup question, I have sore knees
- To: guest@endurance.net
- Subject: Re: RC: stirrup question, I have sore knees
- From: mtnriderII@webtv.net (Mary Sutliff)
- Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 22:25:24 -0800 (PST)
- In-Reply-To: "guest@endurance.net" <guest@endurance.net>'s message of Mon, 5 Feb 2001 12:37:32 -0800
I also ride Pasos and a few years back went to a clinic put on by a well
known Paso trainer. We were told that in gait not to put weight in the
stirrups-your legs should be like spagetti from the knees down. I have
found that this helps the knees a lot!! Also I use the plastic easy
ride stirrups and love them. Also try taking MSM and a
glusamine/chondroitin sulfate supplement. I know my joints aren't what
they used to be. I sure hate to admit that I may be getting older.
Also helps to get off and walk for five or ten minutes and I imagine the
horse appreciates it too. Good luck!
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