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At 12:20 PM -0500 12/28/01, wrote:
>Anyone know how Death Valley is going? I just panned to stay home 
>sick :) as is generally the case after a really rabid Christmas 
>season so just want an update.

Gesa Brinks on Sparkling Sky won the first day.  Randy Coleman on 
Pandora's Pixy won BC.

Day 2, Calina Nicholson won (JR!) and Elfta Hiltzman, her sponsor, 
won BC on Luna.

Sorry you're sick!

We decided to stop at two days (since we have a confirmed entry into 
Warner Springs next weekend!)  Ember did really well in her first two 
day 100; I was the "weakest link", as expected.  It was Ember's 500th 
endurance mile, I think.  She finished in the top twenty both days. 
Tori Thompson crewed for us, and did a superlative job;  Ember loved 
the extra attention.  I was really proud of how she trotted that 
monster mountain on Day 2.  Late in the afternoon the clouds finally 
lifted from the mountaintop, the sun peeked through, and I got a 
lovely shot of it.  I forgot to carry the camera yesterday, too bad, 
because it was really beautiful (and wet) in the canyons!


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