Hi. I'd like to extend a huge thanks to all the nice people who wrote in about my horses suspensory ligament problem and blistering. I have decided to not blister. A lot of people were happy I've made that decision. I'm stall resting and walking every other day for 20 min. I think this will be the best for him. I'll have him ultrasounded in late March so wish me luck. I'm still getting the shoes on this week. He's a very laid back arab so stall resting him doesn't bother him much except my 3 yr. old, his buddy, tries to help him escape. (He succeeded one day.) I have a schedule someone sent me that I'm going to go by. I'm lucky to be able to stay at home so I have the time (well, time enough) to be able to care for him in this manner.
Thank you all again and have a Happy New Year!!!!! Deb and Sunny