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>Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 17:15:12 -0800 (PST)
>---when in reality, of course, e'lyting is terrific as long as it's done correctly (ie, small, frequent doses given long before the horse ever has a chance to get dehydrated).<
> IMO, if every rider doubled their efforts to get fluids into the the horse before and
during rides, incidence of metabolic problems would really decrease. (This is aside from those horses that are just plain overridden, of course).<
Newbie questions... I've only done two 25 mile CTR's so far & do worry about the electrolyte issue. As for getting fluids into the horse before the ride, any suggestions other than to start e'lyting a couple days ahead of it? As for e'lyting during the ride - how often & how small the doses? Our first ride was cool weather & my mare drank well at the water stops so it wasn't so much of an issue. But our second ride was warm & she didn't drink more than a couple of sips until we were done. I gave her 1/2 tube of paste e'lyte twice during the ride, at the end she drank a whole 5 gal bucket (not all at once of course). I was worried about e'lyting her during that ride because she wasn't drinking, but she finished 2nd in our div. & won Best Arab so I guess she was more ok than I was!
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