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Susan's qualifications?
Hi guys,
I happened to be cruising through the archives from Thanksgiving (when I was
in Japan) and came across a question from Kristene Smuts asking about my
qualifications, so she could convey it to other folks. I guess she got some
private replies, but I get the same question from time to time, and since
the RC populations changes, I don't mind answering the question for anyone
else that's wondering who this yahoo is. :-) I think more people should
question the validity of the advice they're offered.
Anyway, the MS on the website stands for Master of Science. I did a
bachelors in animal science at Cal Poly University first, with options in
pre-veterinary medicine and equine science. Actually, I went a little
overboard with classes (right after they put in the espresso bar)<g>, I
only have one bachelors hanging on the wall, but took enough credits for
two. Took all the nutrition courses available, both in human and animal.
Stayed to do a Master's in Animal Science, with the emphasis on both equine
exercise physiology and nutrition. At that point, I'd already taken all the
courses offered in the College of Agriculture, so we had to sort of make up
the program as we went along. Stayed on for another year as faculty
teaching upper-division feeds and nutrition and doing seminars at various
places. Applied to and got accepted at a few vet schools here and there and
settled on Colorado State University. I'm in the third year of the program
here and about 16 months away from the DVM degree. After that, I'll be back
east working on the PhD and residency in clinical nutrition, just so I can
say been there, done that. :-))
Hope this clears up worries that the nutrition advice is coming from tarot
cards. :-)))) (Actually, I hope this post even shows up---for some reason,
my posts are lagging about 24 hours behind or bouncing back. Weird.)
Susan G
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