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Re: RC: ribbons
My mare wears a red ribbon whenever we ride with anyone but my training
partner, who always gives her a WIDE berth. And I make sure everyone who
approaches us knows exactly what that ribbon means, that it is not just a
decoration. I tell them, "You know that red ribbon means my horse may kick,
if you would like to pass just let me know and I will get way over for you"
And it's actually a red vetwrap that goes at least 6 or 8 inches down her
dock, then is tied in a bow. Very noticeable. I do keep a close eye on her
when another horse gets too close, and I put my leg on her to move her away
if necessary. She has never kicked at a ride, but has laid her ears back or
tried to turn her butt toward another horse. I have been able to keep total
control over her so far. I have learned to watch the ears, and if they go
back even a little, the leg goes on, and she gets a verbal warning.
My friend's horse kicked out at a horse that she had been traveling with for
15 miles. My friend told the other rider to be cautious, but she just kept
getting too close, and finally decided to blast on past. My friend's horse
broke both of the lower leg bones of the other rider. It happened so fast
that my friend didn't have time to react. No warning, just BAMM. They are
animals. You just can't trust them to never let their instincts over ride
their training. jeri
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