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Re: RE: Darolyn and Barefootin' (extremely long)
>rendering plant. Many of the horses that end up there >have
been put down,
>and no one puts down a healthy horse. Also many are
>old when they die.
This isn't meant as support for the barefoot
argument, since I basically agree with what you're saying---but thousands of
young, healthy horses are slaughtered every year. It's not a matter of a
surplus of unsound, old and crippled horses. It's a matter of a surplus of
unwanted horses, period.
As far as the "scientific research" that was cited, we all know that
generally proves whatever the researcher wants it to,
'Scuse me? Jeri, I know you're not trying to
be offensive here, but this statement is true only if the researcher is
basically crooked, which most are not. This is the same as saying all
lawyers are shylocks and all doctors are drug pushers. It's been my
experience that the majority of research results are accurately presented as the
data dictates. It's the people who have an axe to grind one way or another
that pick and choose the results that fill their bill and so twist the truth of
what the research has to say.
'Nuff said, since this is besides the point, but
just had to say something.
People should take care of their
horses' feet in the way they
believe is most humane, and spend a lot less
time trying to convince
everyone else that their way is the only right way.
I absolutely agree. :-)))
Susan G
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