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Stallions in endurance(origonal poster)

I did not mean for this to become a full blown out war on opinions, but i
guess it was good too see that in this sport even, that there are still
smaller minded ppl.  With my stud colt, she went to his first horse show
this spring(Halter only to see how he would behave)  He was in a small
show, so they put all ther horses together, mares, gelding, and stallions.
The judge asked me to wait till last.  I agreed because it was sunnys
first show, but he was just petrified of all these horses.  My stud is not
like other stallions.  He was starved before we bought him and was
completly wild.  I bought him, i halter broke him and taught him respect
of me and all other creatures.  When i brought him in the class, the judge
was so impressed with his behavour he checked him twice to see if he was a
stallion.  With spring mares in heat and him being a stud, i was worried
that he would act up.  i kept my distance from there mares.  But when i
was there, some lady was riding i nice pinto, and the minuete that mare
caught sent of sunny, she was peeing a way.  she kept trying to side pass
over.  But my stud new better then to talk to her.  He was not allowed.
The lady was nice though, she apoligized.  And she knew that HER horse was
in the wrong. Now i have seen stallions that are jerks, BUT I have seen a
lot more mares and geldings that were worse then a stallion.
unfortunatly, there are alot of stallion owners that feel they have a
right away over any other horse.  Not me, my horse knows he is like any
other horse(or that the other horses are scarier).  Personnally, i do not
like riding with other ppl because of the fact that my mare is antisocial.
And most ppl that i have ever ridden with do not know the rules of riding
or if they do, the don't care.  My mare is TERRIFIED to death of white
plastice bags, So would it be far for me to go to an endurance ride and
say, sorry, you guys cannot bring white plastic bags because my horse is
afraid of them.  No, i would never do that.  I just handle my mare and
keep her under control and go on with my life.  So,  saying, you should
really think before you bring a stallion is a little silly to me. There is
always going to be someone that is not happy with what you do.  so, i
don't know, but i know that if i do choose to ride my stallion, if a mare
backs into my stallion and he does nothing, the mare should be taken out
of the ride if you put that kind of clause on a stallion.  Plus, its ok to
ride a horse that kicks, but you need to have a red ribbon on, that is
silly, that is just saying that that person has little control over there
horse.  if they had control, there horse would not kick, right?  So
anyway, thanks for all the ppl that had good things to say.

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