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Kanavy endurance saddle
Well I think my age is catching up to me, over 40
crowd. I've been riding in a stubben jumping saddle
for 15yrs and my lower back has always bug me a little
after a ride, but now it's gotten to be a problem, it
still fits my mare just fine, its me how has the
fitting problem now, so I've been looking at getting a
new saddle. Has anyone heard anything about a saddle
called the Valerie Kanavy endurance saddle or the
Arabian Sosltice saddle? I like to stick with a
english type saddle, and these are the two I've been
looking at. I'll be spending a good chunk of change,
so I'm trying to find out as much info as I can.
Thanks for your time.
rabian sosltice saddle? I like to stay with a engligh
type saddle
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