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Angie's article...question for you...
> I really enjoyed your article in Trail Blazer and especially enjoyed
the pictures. My question is how did you get that little pony to rear
like that? Was it on que?
Thanks. :-) I was pretty excited to see the cover and the photos inside.
I've never had my picture in there before this time. Anybody want to give
me your copy? I have a BIG family :-P
On the rearing, yes I trained my pony to do that...big mistake. My dad
had a picture of him on his horse when he was a kid, and it was rearing
up. I told him I was going to train Apache to and he just said, "You'll
wish you didn't" and left it at that. He was right. I generally raced
her about 20 times a day with my 3 best friends' ponies. I could say,
"On your mark, get set" and she'd sort of crouch, then I'd say "GO!" and
she'd take off. We'd always win. Then I started saying "On your mark,
get set, On your mark, get set..." and holding her back. She finally got
frustrated and sort of popped up and I let her go. Finally I could say
"On your mark, get set" and she'd rear, then I'd say "GO!". It slowed
down her takeoff in the races considerably, and I also discovered that
rearing is a form of balking and she learned to use it against me. She
was still a great pony though. She used to jump a cane pole resting on 2
garbage cans...and I'd be "no hands with my eyes closed".
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