I also typically feed a 13-14% concentrate feed along with forages.It
been proven that horses under strenuous exercise can benefit from
slightly higher protein level (13-15%).
Hmmm. That would disagree with the
research conducted by Ralston, et al at Rutgers, whose studies demonstrated
a progressively higher incidence of metabolic problems in eventing horses
when total protein levels exceeded 12. Also with work by Glade in
Australian racehorses whose acing times increased (that is, got slower)
when protein levels were increased above NRC
recommendations. I would be interested in seeing the reference of the
research you refer to.
The average protein requirement
for pasture horses or horse under
light exercise is 10%.
True, but people tend to get a bit hung up on
percentages, rather than absolute amounts. So a 13-14% grain mix may
be barely adequate for one horse, while being excessive for another.
It all depends on the protein provided by other feeds, including hay, other
grains, etc.
Horses that are
not being ridden extensively and are on a high
protein ration are just
wasting money, because a lot of it is excreted in
its urine.
All of the excess nitrogen groups will be
excreted in the urine, actually (the amount excreted through sweat is
actually infinitisimal). However, the carbon backbones of the amino
acids will be retained and used as an energy source. However, there
are other effects of a high protein ration that can be detrimental to
horses, especially in hot weather, but may be beneficial in other
situations---ie, in cold climates where the increased heat production helps
maintain body heat.
However,if you do see a difference in performance or
you are
concerned, one option is to supplement with beet pulp. It is an
source of protein,
Well, no. I dearly love beet pulp,
especially for endurance horses, for a multitude of reasons, but as a
protein source isn't one of them. It has an average crude protein
content of 9%, equal or lower than most grass hays. I would actually
consider that a point in its favor, though, as most horses get excessive
protein already, and its low protein content means relatively large amounts
can be fed without providing excessive protein in the total
do. The other nice thing is that beet pulp is relatively high in
which will help our horses stay warm through these cold winter
Well, that's another myth, especially about
beet pulp. The fiber in beet pulp is primarily soluble fiber, which is
highly digestible, and so provides almost no heat increment to maintain body
heat at all. If you wanted to rely on fiber digestion for winter heat,
you would have to rely on an insoluble fiber source, such as regular old
hay. Also, while ruminants, such as cattle and sheep, can provide a
bonfire of body heat just from digesting fiber, horses aren't all that good
at it. They can produce some heat increment that way, but if you lived
in a really cold climate, or there was a bad icestorm coming over the pass
and you wanted to jump start the horse's 'furnace', a good protein source
will do it better than anything else. IMO, that's about the best use
of alfalfa there is. Good source of fiber (since that does provide
*some* heat increement), plus plenty of protein to produce metabolic waste
heat to bump up the core temperature for a few hours.
Hope this helps. :-)