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Wintec pro endurance


I have had a Wintec Pro Endurance for the past two
years and I don't have anything bad to say about it
Its light, comfortable to sit in, never gave my horse
a sore back yet and it is adjustable (changeable
gullet) so if you change horse's you don't have to get
a new saddle. Lots of room for shoulder movement of
the horse. The knee blocks velcro on so they can be
moved to fit you  and there are plenty of D-rings
around the saddle for attaching stuff.I also love the
fact that I can get caught in the rain and not worry
about getting spots and stains on my saddle, the way I
did when I had a more expensive leather one. Its easy
to clean also, just sponge. 
I use the Wintec synthetic leathers and Wintec girth.
They have a couple of different kinds of each and some
new models out so you can pick the one that suits you
(if you want Wintec ones that is - so many out there
to choose from).The only thing I am planning to change
are my Korsteel stirrups, but they don't come with the
saddle anyway. I want Cloud stirrups.
Plus, Wintec has a new model out now which sounds very
cool - it still has the easy change gullet system but
now also has something they call CAIR which is air
panels rather than stuffed panels.   I am tempted to
trade in my two-year old Wintec at the store where I
bought it  for this new model with air panels, but I'm
not decided yet.
It sure has been "the" saddle for me.

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