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IntNewsGroup- International booth-convention

AERC International is looking for someone to oversee the booth during the AERC Convention. I won't be able to take care of it this year.
Job description:
1) Selecting the location of the booth in advance with Kathleen's assistance
2) Arranging to share power with another booth and borrowing a small TV 
3) Booth set- up and decoration - Decorations Connie Grey made several years ago are in storage at AERC - a lot of variety
The FEI zones display photo albums, Pan Am OC promotes their event, and promotional products are displayed
4) Organizing the volunteers to man the booth (usually 2 hour shifts from 8 am - 6 pm Friday and Saturday)
5)  Work with Kathleen and Candi to oversee bookkeeping and product sales. This has gone smoothly in recent years.
6) Booth breakdown on Saturday evening or Sunday morning.
As booth manager you can delegate everything if you want but the buck stops with you. It would work fine for two people to tag team the job.  The booth manager does not miss out on any meetings or lectures and as manager you get to use the booth to stash all your personal stuff - very handy perk.
Please email or call me with questions or to say you'll do it.
Lori Stewart
AERC I Secretary.

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