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RE: RE: Twist?

I am not that short (5'5") but if you are narrow through the hips (I am talking about bone structure, not female padding; especially those women who have never had a baby to assist with bone expansion) a wide twist can kill you over the miles and hours. I have complicated my own personal picture with the fact that I had the neck of my  femur "pinned" 20 years ago due to a stress fracture (running injury). If I rode a saddle with too wide a twist I would need to change sports and start doing ride & ties or something. I just cannot stay in a saddle very long that is forcing my hip bones apart and stressing my upper femur.  Also remember this is with a horse that requires an extra-wide tree.  You know you have a horse between your legs when you ride him. I am a very happy camper and so is he. I was very happy to invest in such a quality product. Marilyn
 ----Original Message-----
From: Marlene Moss []
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 9:57 AM
To: 'Karla Watson';
Subject: RC: RE: Twist?


You must not be short!  Haha!

I’m sure someone else can explain it much better than me, but it’s related to how narrow the hourglass shape on the seat of your saddle is.  I’m sure it’s not just an impact to short riders (probably more the shape of hips and thighs), but I certainly hear more shorties concerned with having a narrow twist than taller riders.  And it is more of a concern to female riders.  I’m 5’2 – or a bit more, and I feel like I’m doing the splits in most western saddles – which are more likely to have a wider twist.  Not to say that all English style saddles have a narrow twist, but I’ve been luckier there.


And I do know that Black Rhino saddles makes a saddle designed for women and the twist is narrower.  The only western saddle I’ve ever been comfortable in.  Just have to get rid of the horn and lose about 20 pounds – and I’m there!




-----Original Message-----
From: Karla Watson []
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 6:41 AM
Subject: RC: Twist?


Please excuse my ignorance....but what is twist in a saddle?





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