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Correctly Identifying & Responding to Sender

I've had a bunch of responses to posts lately of this form:
I quote somebody's question:
so-and-so said:
And my reply is here.
I then get a response from somebody who thinks that *I* am the
*orignal* sender who asked the original question.
This is ancient accepted USENET format.  You quote the pertinent
parts of the *orignal* poster's question or comment.  You give their
name and email address with the "said:".  Their actual text (hopefully
edited down) is set off by >'s.
You follow this by your response.
If you see a post formatted in this way, please understand that
it is the ORIGINAL sender, the so-and-so <>
that you want to address your clarification to (as well as, perhaps
Ridecamp at large).  The person who sent this post isn't the
one asking the question, they are the one offering a RESPONSE.
You don't need to respond to me.  I already know everything.
Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA

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