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Re: RC: "Natural" hoof hardeners

Every farrier I have watched takes the hoof knife and slices off the 
sole.  I DO NOT do that.  Just stating what has been working for me for 
several yrs.  NOTICE:  I said TOO wet or TOO dry.  Heck some yrs just 
don't go too well no matter what you do.  My mare's hooves are so hard 
I have to wait till it rains to use the nippers and have to have a new 
rasp to file them.  Such is life.  Years ago I rode a 4 yo 90 miles 
competitively in 6 wk periods (did 30s).  No shoes.  There is a hoof 
hardener in one of the supply magazines but I have not tried it yet.  
As with all things, must take the whole environment into consideration 
and like feeding, it ain't the same for all!!!! Hell, if I was a 
quarter horse I would be valued as an easy keeper!!  BUT the Army 
hassels me because I am not skinny!!  We all have something that is 
just not perfect.  Happy trails, Mary Ann

----- Original Message -----
Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2001 1:20 am
Subject: Re: RC:   "Natural" hoof hardeners

> In a message dated 12/4/2001 10:54:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> writes:
> > 1. TIME
> > 2. Do NOT trim the sole of the hoof.
> > 3. Keep from getting too dry or too wet.
> > 4. Find some rocks, etc to place where the horse will have to 
> walk over 
> > them.  Keep horse in 'natural' surroundings, not stalled all the 
> time.> 
> #1 Time is a good one.  #2 I have to disagree with.  wouldn't you 
> end up with 
> a horse with no heel and long toe if you never trim the sole? 
> (maybe I'm 
> confused on that part).  #3 Hellllooooo (you should forgive the 
> sarcasm)  its 
> RAINING here the ground is MUDDY.  How do I keep the hooves from 
> getting too 
> wet?  #4  Well finally, I can DO this part.  We have nothing BUT 
> rocks (well 
> rocks and mud if its raining).  And as far as natural 
> surroundings, yeah, 
> we've got that.
> Sylvia (just keeping it real here)

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