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Reactor panel questions for users and the manufacturer
- To: Ridecamp <ridecamp@endurance.net>
- Subject: Reactor panel questions for users and the manufacturer
- From: Deanna German <finishis2win@columbus.rr.com>
- Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2001 13:53:43 -0500
- User-Agent: Microsoft-Outlook-Express-Macintosh-Edition/5.02.2022
I don't feel comfortable in a western design saddle, so have had some
challenges finding an appropriate saddle to use for distance riding. Seems
like most saddles are based on a western design.
I'm comfortable in a hunt saddle, but I think a hunt saddle puts too much
pressure in the withers area (at least that's been my personal experience
and observation -- perhaps this is related to lack of proper muscling and
carriage in a young horse); an Aussie saddle is the same, plus the stirrups
are hung too far forward. I don't think the Sports Saddle provides adequate
weight dispersion for a horse learning to carry itself properly (just my
opinion, folks, based on personal experience and observation!), plus it has
no twist and caused me to be in great agony in my hips.
I have tried all of the above for extended periods and this last spring
bought an Orthoflex endurance cutback used. The saddle fits me like a glove
and I don't feel like I'm riding way above the horse like others have
reported for some reason. (And you would think that I would since my saddle
previous to the OF was a SS.) The OF is the best so far for me and my horse,
but we have some slight bridging issues, so I'm still looking.
So here are my issues: I want a saddle that feels as good to me as my OF
does but that won't bridge. (The reason the OF is bridging is because I have
some remedial work to do with my mare to get her to carry herself better.
Once I have sufficiently developed my mare's topline, I believe that the
bridging issues will disappear.)
Will any of the Reactor Panel models fit the bill? Or are my hips going to
ache again from lack of a narrow twist?
Any opinions on the Wintec CAIR system? I wrote to the company asking about
the CAIR system for their endurance model and they assured me it would be
available in the U.S. before the end of the year. I know, as inexpensive as
that saddle is, it's kind of a no-lose "buy it and try it" proposition, but
I thought I'd solicit some opinions.
Deanna (Ohio)
a few hundred AHAO CTR miles, looking towards endurance next fall or the
season after that.
AERC #M30478
AHAO CTR participants kick butt at IAHA Regional and National CTR
competitions. (No offense intended to Jan. She assured me that she can like
us and NATRC too!)
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