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Cow hocks

Frank wrote: The only thing I would add is, watch the
hock as the horse "unloads" the leg and pushes
forward.  Is there: 1) no lateral movement of the
hock, (2) a little lateral movement of the hock, or
(3) a lot of lateral movement (i.e., the hock actually
moves left to right, right to left as the horse
unloads the leg and pushes forward. 

Frank, you are so right! My horse was diagnosed with
bone spavin last year, after several sound years of
LSD and CTR's. Sure enough, his hocks torque laterally
outward as he pushes off at the walk and trot,
obviously contributing to his bone spavin. Until he
began having lameness problems, I hadn't noticed how
much lateral motion there was. Then I watched a horse
with no lateral motion move, and the difference was
quite obvious.  



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he's a little bit of
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