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Suspensory Injury
Wendy Merendini merendiniws@navair.navy.mil
You need to get your horse evaluated ASAP by your vet! Anytime
there is filling in the legs, there is a potential problem -
could be large or small. I would strongly suggest an
ultra-sound of both rear legs to start with...
You do not want to mess around with this type of issue - waiting
around with a wait and see attitude can only increase the chances
of serious injury. Personally, I have to "know" what is going
on so I always have my vet out if I suspect a potential problem
As far as your mare's fetlock "almost on the ground during the trot"
sounds like more a shoeing/trimming or conformation issue
(i.e. long pasterns or very angled pasterns...?).
Good Luck,
Wendy Merendini
Maris Ramsay MarisR@aol.com
The last 3 rides, my horse has had some filling of the left rear tendons.
On a photo taken during the ride, her fetlock seems to be almost on the
ground during the trot. I'm assuming this is suspensory ligament injury.
Can anyone comment/help? I don't want to do more harm, and we can't use
boots/wraps for Competitive trail, most of what we do currently. She's
only 6.
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