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My "hoof" story (long)

 Okay I HAVE to say  my peace here.
 Part of the problem, actually a LOT of the problem I had at my first CTR
was about my mare's feet. Some of you might recall my cry for help with a
farrier in my area. I have had three farriers so far. One won't come
back, one doesn't like endurance as a sport, and the third was a no call
no show (needless to say, I won't call him back as he knows I skipped
church to wait for him to show).
 Now, I was made to feel really bad that Arabi chewed up her feet at this
ride. I skipped my first ride due to this problem with her forging. I had
her shod, did a couple of training rides and decided to plunk down $50.00
to see if we had fixed this problem. 
 Apparently, in my quest to find some help by going to this ride knowing
I probably wouldn't make it past the first vet check. I had put up my
money hoping to find someone either in this area, or someone who knew
someone in this area to help me. That fell flat on its face, gossip got
around camp that I was a terrible person who brought a horse who couldn't
even make the first loop to "compete".
 I did get some advice, but to what cost? What have I been branded as
now? I haven't ridden but once since the CTR. I have decided to put my
ride dreams on hold for a year. Please you "know-it-all do-gooders" think
before you shoot your mouth off. You will never know whom you will hurt.
Never know how many you turn off this sport by your methods of "helping".
 I would like to encourage any who have been the victim of that kind of
"help". Please find someone on this list, or in your area to help you and
encourage you. I know that I am not that terrible, but I can't shake the
feeling that I am ruining my baby some how. 
 I am probably doing more damage now by NOT riding, than I did when I
rode two to four times a week. I miss my rides with my girl. I miss our
bonding time, and how she tests me trying to rake me into the trees, or
seeing if her ninety degree sudden left turn will throw me off this time.
 She LOVES going to the rides. When I trailered over to a friend's house,
she didn't want to get back into the trailer since we were only gone from
home for two hours. LOL I have created a MONSTER who LOVES to go byes!
 Well, enough rambling. Thanks for listening. I hope I have helped some

In His Hands,
Lisa P.
Riding: the art of keeping a horse between yourself and the ground.

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