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Re: RC: Barefoot Endurance
on 11/29/01 4:14 PM, guest@endurance.net at guest@endurance.net wrote:
> I am not an opponent of people riding their barefoot horses in endurance
> (I have done so many times myself); nor am I an opponent of Ride Managers
> being allowed to require hoof protection at their rides. BUT I am an
> opponent of people who choose to ride their horses barefoot not being
> aware enough of what a footsore horse feels like to know that they need to
> get off and quit. Endurance vets do not (as yet) have much experience
> with how a barefoot horse exhibits its soreness, and it is hard to tell
> when a horse is trotted straight out in hand if it is sore on all four
> feet, which a barefoot horse would be. Footsore barefoot horses are much
> easier to diagnose as footsore when they are under saddle than they are in
> hand. The weight of the rider does make a big difference, especially if
> the rider is posting at the trot, the horse will head bob on whichever
> side the rider is posting on. And footsore barefoot horses are much
> easier to diagnose as footsore when they are being ridden by their regular
> rider.
Amen, Kat! I remember one ride just before I shod Khemoshah. I was going
downhill and I could tell she was so sore. I got off right there and walked
a couple miles home. I don't know how anyone who rides their horse regularly
could not tell when said horse becomes sore. I can usually tell within 10
steps. It is pretty obvious. Poor babies get ouchy all around and you just
KNOW. The thing that bugs me is that Robyn did all these miles after
questioning the soundness of her horse. The first time I start questioning
ouchiness in any horse, especially a bare one is a red light. If it doesn't
go away in a few minutes, but continues, get off and walk the horse in. She
said in her own words that the ride was torture on an unshod horse. Then why
complete said ride? Any ride? I'm never going to advocate riding a footsore
horse. And again, one of my two is barefoot.
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