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Re: RC: US "cavalry" in Afghanastan

The Army DOES have Cavalry Training!!!  However it is limited to the 
Detachment at Ft Hood, TX.  They have a group that does parades and 
special events.  The neatest thing was for a change of command ceremony 
for high ranking command.  They did a Cavalry Charge with rifles, etc, 
in complete old uniform and McClellan saddles.  They have the BIGGEST 
mules pulling a huge wagon and the really do the 'Charge'.  Use blanks 
though.  Seeing the 'old army' next to the Apache heliocopter was quite 
a scene.  I have some good 35mm shots but have not scanned them or 
converted to digital ones.  That was back in the late 80s.  If you are 
every in the area of Ft Hood/Killeen, Tx.  Try to find out when there 
is one or the Detachment will be doing a presentation.  RIGHT now 
securety is at all time high so without proper id's, all cars are 
searched.  The is a horse group at Ft Sill, OK that pulls a cannon and 
Ft Huachuca, AZ has a reinactiment group.  Almost ALL Army posts have 
stables, but most are for the dependents.  Ft Leavenworth, KS has the 
oldest active Hunt CLube in the US, I was told when I was there for a 
class.  Lots of horse history around Army posts.  

BTW, those special forces guys are probably the most athletic guys 
around and can learn needed skills in a 'new york minute'.  

Maybe I will get some pics with my digi camera.. but 'time' it a four 
letter word and I am yrs behind in everything.. 

Happy Trails, Mary Ann, US Army Reserves

----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda B. Merims" <>
Date: Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:00 am
Subject: RC:  US "cavalry" in Afghanastan

> Beth Gunn said:
> > Just watched press interview on airplane with Secretary of 
> Defense, Rumsfeld....
> > Has pictures of our own special forces guys on horses and 
> getting the job done!
> > Made a delighted comment about seeing orders cross his desk for 
> saddles, bridles,
> > and feed... Would be interested to find if our government adds 
> calvary training to
> > basic training camps for all our military?
> I wonder how many real cavalry guys are left?  Makes me sad old 
> Mr. Briggs
> (Richard Briggs of Briggs Stable in Hanover, Massachusetts) is 
> gone.  His
> 1960's Saturday  morning 8 AM sharp advanced class was based on his
> cavalry training.  It is one of the fondest memories of my childhood.
> He'd have *LOVED* this!!!
> Linda B. Merims
> Massachusetts, USA

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