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New to RideCamp
Hey Ridecampers!! Just thought I'd say hello to
everyone. Lara and I are new to ridecamp. However,
we've been lurking through the archives for a month or
so now. The topics and discussions have been very
enjoyable, but I must say that Howard's JD story is
still tops;)
We live just north of Charlotte, NC, putting us in the
SE division of AERC. Looks like there's quite a few
south easterners in ridecamp. We look forward to
meeting many of you in the season to come. Especially
hoisting a few beers around the campfire the night
before and after the ride(at least I assume there's
some beer drinking going on). Our first ride will be
Lucie's down at Ridgeway in Feb. This will be my
first ever ride. My wife use to endurance ride back
in her high school days as part of the UP Distance
Riders. UP, as in Upper Pennisula of Michigan. We're
both originally from MI, myself from Lansing, and Lara
from Rapid River. Needless to say, we're another
couple Yankees who moved South....and no we don't
complain about the weather...70degrees in Nov..sounds
good to me:) And no more shoveling snow!!!!!
One thing to note, Lara is also an animal nutritionist
much like Susan Garlinghouse. She has a Masters of
Science degree from Michighan State University (GO
SPARTANS!!!) in Non-ruminent Animal Nutrition. If you
have any nutrition questions I'm sure she won't mind
trying to answer them, laraworden@yahoo.com
I'll wrap this thing up. Looking forward to great
discussions and especially meeting up with people at
Tim and Lara Worden
Jayda - Prissy/B!#$&y Bask blooded bay mare
Jazz - mini-tank grey mare
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