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I am so glad this post came up. I hope to volunteer for the first time
at Goethe and take P&R. I do it on my horse all the time, so I hope I am
I have my own stethoscope, will have my own clipboard and my own
pen/pencil (Probably a couple of pencils with a hand sharpener.) I home
school two boys, so I have learned to be prepared and have all things at
the ready.
I am so glad to know I will be yelled at, cursed at, and just have bad
attitudes thrown my way. Please I understand not every one will be like
that, but after the last CTR I rode in, getting a bad attitude from other
endurance riders might be more than I could stand. I had a REALLY bad
time at that CTR. I was a rider. It was an endurance person who was kind
to me. I was shocked at the gossip that goes around.
I was totally unprepared for what happened, but now I will be prepared
at Goethe. I am looking forward to riding with my friends on Friday, and
volunteering on Saturday for the ride. I will try to watch the riders
come in and take them in as close to the right order as they come up. I
will try to be accurate, and if I can't do the job, will bow out
gracefully for someone who can.
I have learned a lot in a short time. I am glad I will be prepared for
my first time volunteering. Thanks list!
In His Hands,
Lisa P.
Riding: the art of keeping a horse between yourself and the ground.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: RC: P&R
- From: Truman Prevatt <tprevatt@mindspring.com>
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