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Virus attachments
In response to the question about attachments - yes - Kathi
Macki, Susan Garlinghouse, Darolyn Butler, Barney Fleming
are all among the senders of email with a virus attached.
If you opened it - you also are now a contributor if you run
MS Outlook/Outlook Express.
Mike Maul
Anti-virus specialist Symantec upgraded its alert on
W32Badtrans.13312@mm to category 4 and advised users to
download a new version of the fix dated April 11 or later.
W32Badtrans.13312@mm is a MAPI worm that spreads by replying
to all unread messages in e-mail folders. The worm includes
a Trojan horse program designed to steal information from
the infected computer.
When W32Badtrans.13312@mm is executed, it copies two files
into the Windows program folder (C:\Windows on Windows 9x
and C:\Winnt on Windows NT/2000) -- Hkk32.exe and Inetd.exe,
a spokesman said.
To ensure the viral code runs each time the system is
restarted, W32Badtrans.13312@mm modifies the Win.ini file
(Windows 9x systems) and system registry (Windows 9x and
NT/2000 systems). For complete information and removal
instructions, go to: www.symantec.com/techsupp/vURL.cgi/nav98.
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