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FEI Rides and the calendar

The EN prints what comes in with the ride info from the RM.

So far - RMs have not sent in any info about whether their 
rides are FEI or not.

If anyone has a list of 2002 FEI rides and will email it to 
me - I will work with the office to see that it gets into 
both the EN and on-line calendars.

Here in the west - the FEI rides that I have attended seem 
to have gone pretty well. These are combined AERC and FEI
rides.  I rode in the AERC part.

I certainly wouldn't hesitate to attend one and suggest that
if you had a problem last year - you should email the RM and 
ask if there are any changes planed to be made based on
their last years experience with the FEI format.

I would expect all of us have learned more about FEI - both 
as a Ride Manager and rider - after a years experience.

Mike Maul

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