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RE: Letter French Federation to FEI

Chef de Pissed .... hahaha... not pronounced exactly like that!

I don't know what to say... . because I like both types of endurance : the
one of championships which is roughly the same as the one prectized in Frane
(except that the trails are more difficult)  and the one of US (Tevis,
Outlaw, etc...).

Tactics and motivations of riders are different. It's like comparing an
itimate competitions in an equestrian center with a Grand Prix showjumping.
Please don't take it badly. There is no attack in what I say. Just trying to


-----Original Message-----
From: Rides 2 Far []
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 7:00 PM
Subject: Letter French Federation to FEI

> As told to Bob, what I said is not my opinion, so please use 
> 'they... for
> the frenchies'  or 'he... for cazes' in place of 'you'.

Sorry, that was a mistake.  I was just trying to make sure it was
noticable there was "more to come" in my post.  I realized your were the
translator here. :-)

> That said, I don't undestand well why you disagree with the >idea of
nominating a well experienced 'chef de piste' (circuit manager), 

I didn't mean to insinuate I had any opinion at all on that. I'm getting
a *little* better about not voicing opinions about things I'm not well
informed on. >g<  That's why I said I hope they'd talk to people who run
up front at this type races about what they thought was best.  I've done
100's, and done a couple that were actually pretty fast, but I have NOT
run the way people do at that level who are trying to be first.  I'm not
informed on what they think is best for spacing of those checks.  The
checks at the Pan Ams seemed close together to us at first, but it was
great at the time...lots of grass at every check and the day just flew
by.  That was at a ride where we were going pretty fast.  At Biltmore the
checks are farther apart and I'm glad they don't stop us every 15 miles
or so.  The trail slows you down plenty and they're able to grab some
bites as they climb steep hills etc.   A knowledgable person who can
weigh these sorts of variables might be good if they are basing their
decisions on what's best for the horse.

P.S. Is the term Chef de Piste pronounced Chef De Pissed?  If so, that
might be a little literal. >g<


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