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RE: RE: Letter French Federation to FEI
Hey Bob, don't understand me wrong! I'm trying to tell to american folk what
I have been told by Pierre Cazes. I REPORT WHAT I HEARD!
This is NOT my opinion.
If my view, the efforts of Cazes and others go in the right direction.
They're trying to limit the bad side effect of bringonf endurance to the
olympics. When changes are about to occur, would that be in sport or in
business, one may have the reaction of rejecting everything new, or then
trying to negociate and try to amend the proposed project. Second sttrategy
is the one choosen by Cazes and other chefs d'equipe.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Morris [mailto:bobmorris@rmci.net]
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 5:47 PM
To: LIESENS Leonard (PRESS); ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RE: RE: Letter French Federation to FEI
Your out look on this letter is quite refreshing. Am I wrong
in surmising the FEI is overly interested in media coverage,
perhaps to the point where such media coverage takes
precedent over the more important equine issues? Am I wrong
in surmising that the Vet check at not earlier than 3km
before the finish is to exclude any equines, not in good
condition, from the view of the media? To me this is more
concern about media than about the equines.
To my way of thinking your statement <<<<make sure that
the drawing of the circuit is not made only for the purpose
of media
coverage and includes difficulties in order to call a better
technicity from
the riders and horses.>>>> The media coverage should NEVER
enter into the chosing of a course for endurance
competition. Is the competition for the horse and rider or
for the public media consumption?
Bob Morris
-----Original Message-----
From: Leonard.Liesens@cec.eu.int
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 5:49 AM
To: bobmorris@rmci.net; ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RE: RE: Letter French Federation to FEI
I spoke with Pierre Cazes, who is in fact the initiator of
this letter to
the FEI.
According to what I understood, the chefs d'equipe want to
make sure that
the drawing of the circuit is not made only for the purpose
of media
coverage and includes difficulties in order to call a better
technicity from
the riders and horses. They want also that the placing of
vet stops are well
designed, taking into account the type of trail between two
stops... longer
distance in case of fast speed, shorter for slower speed...
the concept is
the presumed speed of the first riders, not the distance.
I don't understand the last paragraph of your comments. Why
a vet 2miles
before finish ? To make sure that horse crossing the finish
line are fit?
It seems that, according Cazes, there will be 2 types of
endurance : the one
we like (like Tevis, Florac, Barcelona, PanAM) and the one
of the
Championship, adapted for media coverage. This last one
would be organised
as a shamrock, with a central vet area, with press coverage.
Distance should
be of +- 9 hours or +-100 miles for fast races and
+-80miles for slow
Leonard, Belgium
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Morris [mailto:bobmorris@rmci.net]
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 5:47 PM
To: guest@endurance.net; ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RC: RE: Letter French Federation to FEI
This is a very interesting thing to note:
<<<1. to officially designate a circuit manager for each
championship. He/She
will has as duties to design the circuit, to define the
length of the
stage in function of constraints defined by the Commission.
The concept
behind this is that constraints come from ride time and not
between the vet gates. We have to come back to distances
ranging from 30
to 40-kms, or 2 hours for the fastest.>>>
First is the fact of designing the circuit, or trail as we
would call it. Very few endurance rides that we have to do
that unless they mean the selection of what trail to take.
The next thing is the length of the stages or distance
between vet stops. They are calling for distances of 19 to
25 miles between vet stops.
This puzzles me as the FEI requires a vet stop with in the
first 6 to 10 miles. Then there must be one not less than 2
miles before the finish. Then most of the competitions I
have heard of have vet checks quite often. Wonder what is
actually happening?
Bob Morris
-----Original Message-----
From: guest@endurance.net [mailto:guest@endurance.net]
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 7:55 AM
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RC: Letter French Federation to FEI
Pierre Cazes pr_cazes@yahoo.fr
I think american riders can be interested to know about
evolution of
endurance with FEI.
Here is a translated letter send by FFE (Federation
d'Equitation)to the FEI.
Pierre Cazes
France - Chef d'Equipe
Votre Altesse Royale,
I would like to draw your attention on my concerns about
endurance. It
seems that the French Federation is not the only one in this
case since
the Chefs d'Equipes of 15 countries intended to meet in 2002
in order to
prepare a proposal.My concerns are :
- the circuits of Championships
- the right and fair veterinarian controls.
I propose :
1. to officially designate a circuit manager for each
championship. He/She
will has as duties to design the circuit, to define the
length of the
stage in function of constraints defined by the Commission.
The concept
behind this is that constraints come from ride time and not
between the vet gates. We have to come back to distances
ranging from 30
to 40-kms, or 2 hours for the fastest.
2. concerning heart rates, each horse has to be presented
with a HRM in
order to permit the jury to check the heart rate and avoid
any frauds.
This will also help the vets who will not be alone to face a
case, this without touching their prerogatives. A dozen of
HRM's devices
could be sufficient and can be delivered to Organising
Committee for a
fair price.
3. concerning the trotting, we propose to keep the existing
system (the
decision of 3 vets forwarded to an official), with one
change :The
president of the jury is assisted by a vet and can, in
questionable case,
ask another voting from 3 other vets. This vet would be a
referee like in
tennis who would insure the same level of judgement among
To resume :
One referee (a vet) and one circuit manager...
- designated this year by the Chefs d'Equipe and only for
- for the following years, several procedures could be
defined (for
example, the federations could choice on a list of 3..4
names). As you
have understood, the objective is to make a clear separation
technical aspects and sport policy.
Technical aspects must be entrusted to proven technicians
and, if
possible, must adapt to constraints drawn by the Commission.
Commission keeps it's mission of sport policy.I am convinced
that those
minor amendments, nevertheless essential in the substance,
will avoid any
stir in this nice discipline.
Je vous prie de croire, Votre Altesse Royale, à l'expression
de ma très
respectueuse considération
Jacqueline REVERDY
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