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Re: "Your ON, Howard!" (Cavalry action)

Beth, I chuckled at your post, but I have to admit I agree.  I always get all bent out of shape with these big Eco challenges, that take teams of people who generally don't ride and put them on native horses or ponies for some leg of the competition.  They are on strange horses!  How do they know how fit they are, or how fast they can ride them? Do they know about checking basic criteria?  Do they ride well enough to not bounce on their backs?  Etc, etc.  Drives me crazy!
----- Original Message -----
From: beth glover
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 8:24 AM
Subject: RC: "Your ON, Howard!" (Cavalry action)

Hey Ridecampers and especially Howard:  (Good Morning Howard, rise and shine!) I got my newspaper this  morning with a big photo splashed across the front, a bunch of folks riding  horses across the desert. Was it a ride photo of the endurance nationals? No, it was our troups on horseback with the Northern Alliance.   
   I thought to myself, "Good grief, do those guys know how to ride?  What if their horses spook and spin? What if they are too poorly fed to spook and spin?  What if our military in all its wisdom, buys them a million pounds of sweet feed/grain or corn or something and colics the lot of them? What about founder? What about sore backs? They are requisitioning saddles? Holy cow, that could be roping saddles. Some requisition clerk from Texas or somewhere could go to the local western store and get them a bunch of big old western saddles! "    It's too ea! rly in the morning to think these grim thoughts.
   Then I thought of Howard! Go Howard Go!    Go down to your recruiter..bug him one last time!     "I'm ready sir, and I know how to requisition proper endurance tack. I know the meaning of beet pulp. "   Or you could call your senator, or call the defense secretary!  Tell him about endurance net.  "Easy boots! Karen's easy boot page!  It's a matter of national defense."   Wouldn't this be the right thing to do?  I know a few of you have complained about the poor horses being ridden in the war.  I don't feel that way. I have a feeling of pride. Isn't this Hannibal crossing the Alps revisited?  I guess we learned our lesson from that and the Russian failures in that country. Cavalry fighting may just be the quick and correct solution to the terrain of Afganistan. I think outfitting the horses correctly would be a humane act.   I hope that some military person finds out! about us distance riders. Many of us would be happy to share the mysteries of biotane, the wonders of beetpulp, the ecstasy of fleece covers, and the importance of good endurance saddles. 
   Anyone up to write their Congressperson, Senator, or favorite Military advisor?   Come on Howard, you can lead the way! 
   cya, Beth Glover

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