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Re: GPS use
>OK..I'll admit that I've never seen a "GPS"...Is it similar to a lap
>top????????? If so...How do you carry it along with you on a horse????
Sandy: Go here: http://www.garmin.com/products/gpsmap76/ I picked that
model to show you, because I've actually ridden with it and I liked the big
display. It fits in a front shirt pocket really well (or a pommel bag. I
could use it even while zipping along. I can pull it out, look at the
arrow, see how fast I'm going and how far it is to the next waypoint and
look at the tracks/map and put it back quicker than I can unfold a paper
map, or pull out a water bottle for a drink. Not only is it waterproof,
but bran mash proof! Nothing is infallible, and equipment can fail, but
just like anything else it takes some common sense to be able to figure out
how to use it and experience so you know when it is or isn't working
right. This particular GPS will continually pick up several satellites
even in canyons and heavy tree cover. I doubt that to date anybody other
than one of the XP riders this summer has actually had a route downloaded
from a ride manager to follow on an endurance ride. So, this is something
pretty new, and in spite of people without any actual experience using this
technology on actual endurance rides as we have this summer saying it isn't
reliable -- it IS. I have not heard any ride managers even suggesting that
rides be marked solely with gps waypoints -- only as a complement to
traditional markings. So you can relax, and Trilby and Sylvia can relax and
all the other people who hate technology. Just make sure you smile when
you come across me on a trail lost -- and ask me to look at my GPS to tell
you which way to go. :+P I actually don't usually look at the GPS that
much, that's why I have a junior. She gets to co-navigate and read the map
and directions. I like having the tracks to download into the software so
I can see where I went. How else could I actually convince anybody that I
really rode from St. Joe to Virginia City?
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