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A GPS receiver doesn't work unless three spacecraft are viable.  The down link frequency of GPS is 1024 megahertz. This frequency does not penetrate foliage, hence the signal will not be received. Secondly with only 24 active space craft on orbit, you will not see three in normal mountain terrain. The big problem is with the cheap hand held units you get form REI, etc., you won't know you are screwed up.  Hence it is not a viable means for measuring an and marking a trail.

Now if you want to pay the US Air Force to launch several more spacecraft, they would probably be happy to, but I don't think the AERC has an extra billion or two laying around.

I suggest we stick to odometers, wheels and good old fashion ribbons.


Kathy Mayeda wrote:

I still don’t see how use of GPS is in violation of any rules.   I don’t think there is anything wrong with the usage on Ducks’ XP or other multidays – they seem to be such a different animal!  I understand Kat’s point about it being akin to cell phone usage and driving a car – but a lot of people manage to do drive and talk anyway.

I am still in favor of the physically well-marked trails on a one day ride.  I have to admit that I got the HRM with all the bells and whistles and have yet to use most of  the features it offers.  I wore it more for a watch than for even monitoring HR.

I really look forward to the GPS articles!   Who knows, I may get hooked, too.


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