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RC: Re: Mares vs Geldings VS STALLIONS!!!
>>Anyway, here's my vote... STALLIONS! LOVE 'EM.>>
YES YES YES YES ...... absolutely agree with you. I wouldn't trade my stallion for all the money in the world. And yes, he isn't always easy, but he gives me everything he has all the time, not just when he feels like it. I, too, had to figure him out in the beginning, but since then, we've had the best (and worst) times of our lives.
I'm so impressed with what a stallion gives, I've invested in a colt which I intend keeping intact. My gelding is OK, has a sweet personality, but doesn't give me the "conversation" I have with my stallion. We literally have arguments when he wants to do one thing and I want to do another. We'll be standing dead still at a crossing or fork in the road, he wants to go one way, I want to go another .... and I sit there for a minute explaining why it would be better to do my bidding. Every time I mention "I have the power to feed you or send you to the canners" he invariably sees the advantage of going where I choose to.
Stallions, because of their hormones, like to be your partner. Heaven forbid if you insist on being the boss!! Of course, I can't base my finding on any scientific research >grin<
Stallions ...... love 'em or leave 'em.
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