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Re: Mares Idiosycratic Behavior/Riding Mares
Suzy Kelley, probably the most winningest endurance rider ever, thinks mares
are "tougher," and she competes (invariably on mares) for "position"--so it
seems they can be fast, too.
I met a guy once (NOT an endurance rider!) who got so drunk after one of
those social trail riding outings he passed out right under his mare,
between her legs. She stayed in place without moving for two hours until
the bozo came to.
And, I've noticed it seems almost all the stories I've heard of horses that
have run off from a spook and the come back for their rider are either mares
or stallions. I wonder if this might be because their hormones give them
greater protective instincts?
--Dabney (whose geldings have never come back for her when they run off!)
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