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Re: RC: Whoa!

Okay, Whoa is NOT attached to the reins!!! Start saying that over and
over again.  Here's the scene:  You're riding down the road and want to
stop at the mailbox to mail a letter. So, you KNOW where YOU want to 
stop, only you didn't tell your horse until the last minute. YAAAANKKK!!!
Right at the mail box!!!  So, when you're driving your car down the road,
You don't ease up on the gas, or downshift, or gently apply brake. OH
heck NO, you cruise along going 60 and RIGHT AT THE STOP SIGN, YOU SLAM
ON THE BRAKES!!!!  Gosh, you're such a GOOD driver!!!
My point is, always prepare your horse and yourself for a stop.  Say
whoa, quit riding, deepen your seat, touch the neck, count out loud to
three, GIVE YOUR HORSE A CHANCE TO STOP BEFORE you pull on the reins.  It
doesn't matter what you do, you can say a Hail Mary, just always do the
same thing.  Try this, and I am willing to gamble that in 15 minutes or
less, your horse will be stopping without you pulling on the reins:

Ride forward, say whoa, press on his mane, press on his whithers, then
pull on the reins. Be SURE you do this consistently; say whoa, press on
his mane, press on his whithers, then pull on the reins.  Do it slowly. 
Wait for the word "Whoa" to reach his ears, go to his brain, and then
reach his feet to slow and then finally stop them from moving.  
PREPARATION  is the key to all good horsemanship, no matter what the
disipline.  In a very short time, the horse will understand that Whoa
means stop, and he will learn to OUTSMART his rider and stop at that word
BEFORE the rider has a chance to pull on the reins. After you get it
perfect at the walk, work up to the jog, then a trot, at the canter or
lope, etc.   About 500 to 1000 repetitions later, he will stop without
any bridle or halter on him.  BE CONSISTENT and BE PATIENT, always.      
        Renie #1673

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