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RE: Northern Alliance Horses
From the website The Turkic Groups of Afghanistan:
"North of the Hindu Kush in Afghan Turkistan, a substantial number of people
(perhaps 1.6 million) are descended from the Central Asian Turks who
frequently invaded from the north. The most populous Turkish group in
Afghanistan is the Uzbeks, who have broad, flat faces and lighter skin than
the Pushtuns. They are farmers and stockmen, breeding the karakul sheep and
an excellent type of Turkman horse. These people have kinsmen in the central
republic of Uzbekistan. Many Uzbeks fled into northern Afghanistan in the
1920s to escape the suppression when the Soviet government was trying to
stamp out their customs and Moslem religion."
In the 1920's, Russia invaded Turkmenistan as well and many of the tribesmen
along with their Akhal-Teke horses fled to Iran and Afghanistan. In
literature, the Akhal-Teke is often referred to as Turkman or Turkoman type.
Steve Hallmark
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