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Re: RC: Re: riding mares
>Dear Genie, when I read your post about mares I really chuckled.
Me, too. We did a nice 20 mile training ride today, starting out in
the rain and ending up in tank top weather. Our deepest water hole
right now is halfway up the saddle flap on my 15.2hh girl (neck deep
on me), we went through with 4 experienced endurance horses. 2
mares, 2 geldings. The mares are best friends who don't live
together anymore. I was leading the way home on Ember at a canter
when I heard 21 year old Olympia coming up behind. Ember stretched
out into a gallop, and we heard Olympia hit a dead run--they both
flattened out and tore down our "running road", just enjoying the
companionship and competition. Olympia blew by us before the left
turn up the hill, where we stopped at the top to wait for the boys.
We love our girls. Neither of them have moodswings of note. I
bought Olympia from the feedlot at 15; she'll be 22 in Feb and is
still doing LDs. She is a fierce competitor and a little too stoic
about pain.
Rem-member Me and Celesteele
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